popular formula that more and more pet parents are using on their dogs
and cats may appear to be good for you and your pet now, but it will
assuredly ruin the health of your dog or cat later, animal welfare
advocates warn. More
An all-natural substance that makes pets sick
Rather than sneezing like people, a dog's symptoms from seasonal allergies involve its skin. And some dogs get so itchy that they continually scratch and bite until they cause severe damage to their skin. More
Try this fountain of youth for your pet
Many pet owners use special diets, vitamins and supplements that promise to bring longevity, but your pet's chances of living a long, full life have a lot more to do with what you don't do than what you do, a leading veterinarian says. More
A wonder drug guaranteed to help your pet
A prescription is readily available that will absolutely improve your dog's quality of life, and all a pet parent needs to do is fill it and simply administer the medicine, a leading veterinarian says. More
For pets, your dirty hands are really sickening
Licks on the face or sleeping with the dog pose no health hazard, but failure to wash your hands can have health implications for your pet, a study has found. More
Favorite dog pastime a leading cause of injury
This favorite pastime that many have been duped into believing is safe has resulted in dogs contracting infections from swallowing dirt, getting puncture wounds in their mouths and becoming paralyzed or dying after ingesting sticks that get lodged in internal organs, two leading veterinarians say. More
The flu bug can bite your dog, too
Like people, dogs also can be stricken by influenza, and they even have their own highly contagious flu virus. About 80 percent of the dogs exposed to the virus become infected and develop coughing, sneezing and nasal congestion symptoms. More
Alarming rise in heartworm threatens 'beloved pets'
A survey of veterinary clinics conducted by the American Heartworm Society has found a steady, gradual increase in the number of heartworm incidents for nearly a decade, a trend that could affect the well being of many "beloved pets." More
An all-natural substance that makes pets sick
Rather than sneezing like people, a dog's symptoms from seasonal allergies involve its skin. And some dogs get so itchy that they continually scratch and bite until they cause severe damage to their skin. More
Try this fountain of youth for your pet
Many pet owners use special diets, vitamins and supplements that promise to bring longevity, but your pet's chances of living a long, full life have a lot more to do with what you don't do than what you do, a leading veterinarian says. More
A wonder drug guaranteed to help your pet
A prescription is readily available that will absolutely improve your dog's quality of life, and all a pet parent needs to do is fill it and simply administer the medicine, a leading veterinarian says. More
For pets, your dirty hands are really sickening
Licks on the face or sleeping with the dog pose no health hazard, but failure to wash your hands can have health implications for your pet, a study has found. More
Favorite dog pastime a leading cause of injury
This favorite pastime that many have been duped into believing is safe has resulted in dogs contracting infections from swallowing dirt, getting puncture wounds in their mouths and becoming paralyzed or dying after ingesting sticks that get lodged in internal organs, two leading veterinarians say. More
The flu bug can bite your dog, too
Like people, dogs also can be stricken by influenza, and they even have their own highly contagious flu virus. About 80 percent of the dogs exposed to the virus become infected and develop coughing, sneezing and nasal congestion symptoms. More
Alarming rise in heartworm threatens 'beloved pets'
A survey of veterinary clinics conducted by the American Heartworm Society has found a steady, gradual increase in the number of heartworm incidents for nearly a decade, a trend that could affect the well being of many "beloved pets." More
Purebred dogs needlessly suffering, report says
A research study done for the Royal Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals concludes that stricter breeding rules are needed because pedigree dogs are suffering from high levels of disability, deformity and hereditary disease. More
Don't let the winter blues get hold of you pet
Pet can suffer from the winter blues, too, and they deal with it by sleeping too much, overeating and avoiding exercise, a routine that can lead to obesity and other illnesses, a leading veterinarian warns. More
Cancer and Health
Major breakthrough in canine cancer treatment
One in four dogs die of cancer, but researchers believe they may have developed the biological equivalent of a smart bomb that could extend or save the lives of millions of canines suffering from the disease. More
First-ever canine cancer drug developed
The FDA has approved the first drug developed specifically for cancer in dogs. Palladia treats mast cell tumors, a skin-based cancer that can be lethel if it penetrates below the skin and spreads to lymph nodes and other body parts. They are second most common tumor in dogs. More
Making strides in fight against canine cancer
A California woman who has lost three dogs to cancer is using cyberspace to expand her annual local fund-raising walk into a national event to help fund research aimed at finding a cure for the disease that afflicts one in two dogs. More
Worldwide effort to cure canine cancer
The Morris Foundation plans to raise $30 million to try to eradicate the disease in 10 to 20 years. The money is being used to pay for research at many of the world’s leading veterinary, academic and scientific institutions. More
Flea, Tick Control and Health
Stop ticks from dogging - or killing - your pet
The American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals says tick control is the key to preventing Lyme disease, and it reminds pet parents to take the proper precautions to keep their dogs and cats safe from the potentially killer bacterial infection. More
Flea, tick products scrutinized after pet deaths
The EPA says the majority of reports have involved spot-on treatments, but problems have also occurred involving sprays, collars and shampoos. Some pets have developed skin irritation, others seizures and some have died. More
Improper use of flea, tick items is killing pets
The America Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals says the benefits of preventing deadly insect-borne diseases outweighs the risk of pets having an adverse reaction to the insecticides as has been reported by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. More
problem of dogs getting sick from Lyme disease is surging in the
United States, especially in the Northeast, a study has found. The
number of dogs with the bacterial infection - which can cause painful
lameness, severe lethargy and in some cases kidney failure - has
jumped 21 percent in the U.S. More
U.S. Food and Drug Administration has approved a first-of-its-kind
oral medication that combats fleas and ticks for up to three months.
The chewable tablet combats fleas and ticks for up to three months.
You and your dog may be sleeping with thousands of fleas
Research shows that fleas flourish in comfy places, making your bed and the dog's sleeping area fertile breeding grounds. So if your pet likes to snuggle with you, that itch is likely to be more than just the dog's tail rubbing against you. More
Get pets ready for invasion of blood-sucking insects
Climate change is causing the global spread of existing diseases as well as the appearance of new illnesses from blood-sucking parasites, such as ticks, scientists say, and pet parents must be more vigilant about protecting their dogs and themselves from these sometimes lethal diseases. More
Medicine and Health
Dog heart medicine research results promising
A cardiac medication called Vetmedin, which is made specifically for dogs, is nearly doubling the survival time for pets suffering from congestive heart failure, according to a study. More
Cushing's drug receives FDA approvalA medication that contains the drug trilostane has been given FDA approval for treatment of Cushing's syndrome, a form of cancer in dogs. More
Oral Care and Health
The stinking truth behind smelly dog breath
The Veterinary Oral Health Council says preventive care is the best way to help pets from being afflicted with periodontal disease, and that starts with brushing of teeth. If the bacteria gets into the bloodstream, it can lead to damage of the heart, liver and kidney. More
Good oral care can be a lifesaver
Oral care - one of the most neglected areas in pet health - can lead to kidney, liver or heart problems. Dog parents are being urged to clean their companion's teeth. More
Research and Health
Two incurable, paralyzing diseases - degenerative myelopathy in dogs and Lou Gehrig's disease in people - have been linked genetically, an important discovery that could lead to the avoidance of the crippling ailment in canines and better therapy for humans. More
Warning issued about alternative medicine
Alternative health care approaches - such as herbal medicine, acupunture and using a dog's tongue to help diagnose disease - can sometimes be helpful, but those who use them exclusively and disregard traditional medicine are putting their pets at risk, researchers say. More
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