Surveys and Studies
Is your dog's name on the most popular list?
Many families look upon their dogs as superheroes, and apparently that is why many have chosen to name their pets after Bella, the fictional heroine character in the vampire film "Twilight" and in the series of best-selling fantasy novels that the film is based upon, a survey has found. More
Where does your dog's breed rank in popularity?
The American Kennel Club says the Labrador Retriever is the most popular purebred dog in America for the 22nd consecutive year. The AKC recognizes 175 dog breeds. More
Is your dog's name on the most unusual list?
Veterinary Pet Insurance had its employees select 50 unusual dog names from its database of more than 485,000 insured pets and then vote for the 10 most unusual names. “One of our favorite parts of putting these lists together is talking to the pets’ owners and finding out how they came up with such imaginative names,” VPI official Curtis Steinhoff states. More
of dog owners say they view their pooch as a member of the family,
according to a American Veterinary Medical Association survey of pet
owners, while fewer owners of cats, birds and horses feel the same
way. More
Veterinary Pet Insurance had its employees select 50 unusual dog names from its database of more than 485,000 insured pets and then vote for the 10 most unusual names. “One of our favorite parts of putting these lists together is talking to the pets’ owners and finding out how they came up with such imaginative names,” VPI official Curtis Steinhoff states. More
A survey of 155 professional dog trainers conducted by Colorado-based Bark Busters Home Dog Training lists the easiest dog breeds to train. The survey also indicates that older dogs, regardless of breed, are the easiest to train. More
According to a survey by the American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals, owners of Labrador retrievers were the ones who placed the most calls to the ASPCA's poison control center hotline. More
survey by of 1,000 pet owners and non-owners has found that
the breed of dog one owns can enhance a man's chances of landing a
hot date and improve a woman's likelihood of fetching the man of her
dreams. More
For all its positives, pet ownership may have a negative side: It can damage your love life, and - depending on the kind of pet you have - you may be far less likely of landing a date, a poll indicates. More
welfare experts say pet parents can reap big savings by making their
own toys, doing their own grooming and buying food in bulk. More
Your dog may roll around in the mud, swim in a dirty pond or even get sprayed by a skunk, but compared to your pet, you still really smell awful - at least when it comes to the sense of smell. More
Dog has become woman's best friend, too
A survey done by Britain's Kennel Club has found that 75 percent of mothers think that their dog is better at displaying love and affection for them than their children. More
Who's treated better - your pet or significant other?
A survey has found that pets - not people - apparently are the ones who are in charge. We give them preferential treatment at home, think about them when we are away from them and are willing to risk our lives for them. More
Face it, you really do look like your dog
A study has found pet parents and their dogs often do look alike, and an expert says the reason is because owners choose breeds that share their physical features. For example, people with short hair will pick short-haired dogs. More
Smokers willing to quit for sake of pets
About one-third of pet parents say they are likely to quit smoking because they are more worried about the health of their pets than their own well-being, a survey has found. More
The canine is top dog in Britain
A survey by Tesco Pet Insurance finds that 58 percent of British people would rather own a dog than a cat. More
Pets are best medicine for sadness and stress
A study has found that those who want a happier, less stressful lifestyle should get a pet. More
Indiana dog park named best in America
Freedom Bark Park in Lowell, which has a digging area for dogs to paw away, has been declared the best dog park in Dog Fancy magazine's annual list of the top 10 dog parks in America. More
10 major cities that are 'purrfect' for cats
A feline advocacy group has put together its first-ever list of the top-10 cat-friendly cities in America based on veterinary care, microchipping and cat-friendly local ordinances. More
About one-third of pet parents say they are likely to quit smoking because they are more worried about the health of their pets than their own well-being, a survey has found. More
The canine is top dog in Britain
A survey by Tesco Pet Insurance finds that 58 percent of British people would rather own a dog than a cat. More
Pets are best medicine for sadness and stress
A study has found that those who want a happier, less stressful lifestyle should get a pet. More
Indiana dog park named best in America
Freedom Bark Park in Lowell, which has a digging area for dogs to paw away, has been declared the best dog park in Dog Fancy magazine's annual list of the top 10 dog parks in America. More
10 major cities that are 'purrfect' for cats
A feline advocacy group has put together its first-ever list of the top-10 cat-friendly cities in America based on veterinary care, microchipping and cat-friendly local ordinances. More
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