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The Ruff Report: This common artificial sweetener is killing dogs

A common artificial sweetener found in sugar-free baked goods, candy, oral hygiene products and chewing gum can be a killer if ingested by a dog, the FDA is warning.

Xylitol, which is only intended for use by people, can cause sudden drop in blood sugar (hypoglycemia), seizures and liver failure if ingested by dogs, the Food and Drug Administration says. Depression, loss of coordination and vomiting are signs that a pet may have ingested the artificial sweetener, and symptoms may occur within minutes to days of it.

Owners should consult a veterinarian or pet poison control center immediately for advice if they know or suspect that their pet has ingested a product containing xylitol, the FDA advises.

Dr. Eric Dunayer, a veterinarian at the American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals, says dogs who eat larger amounts of items sweetened with xylitol are especially at risk of death. "These signs can develop quite rapidly, at times less than 30 minutes after ingestion of the product,” he states in a media release. “Therefore, it is crucial that pet owners seek veterinary treatment immediately."

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A book series about a rescue dog
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THE HUNT OF HER LIFE is a nonfiction book series about Samantha, an unwanted rescue dog who the author adopts at age 2. This beautifully designed deluxe full-color book, by longtime newspaper journalist Joseph A. Reppucci, contains more than 60 vibrant color photos of dogs to help illustrate the compelling and uplifting story of Samantha - a pretty tricolor bird dog who uses her warm personality to win people over and build a new family after being put up for adoption by a hunter because she is gun-shy and afraid to hunt. Learn how she uses her special bonding abilities with people to help her eventually make a transition from the hunting fields to family life. While reading the The Hunt of Her Life, you will travel with Samantha and the author along a trail filled with surprising twists, sudden turns, mystery and even what some call a miracle. And when the journey is finished, you may never look at people and their pets, motherhood - and perhaps even God - in the same way. The Hunt of Her Life is must reading. It will take you on a captivating journey - a trip like no other - that will touch your heart.

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Dr. Dunayer, who specializes in toxicology at the ASPCA's Animal Poison Control Center, says even small amounts of xylitol can be harmful to dogs, and they may not show signs of illness for as long as 12 hours after ingestion. “Our concern used to be mainly with products that contain xylitol as one of the first ingredients," he states. "However, we have begun to see problems developing from ingestion of products with lesser amounts of this sweetener." 

In 2013, the ASPCA Animal Poison Control Center in Urbana, Illinois, handled nearly 180,000 cases about pets exposed to possibly poisonous substances. Incidents involving people foods were the fifth most common cases, mainly due to many of these foods containing xylitol.

Incidents involving xylitol ingestion have increased dramatically in the past decade. In 2009, the ASPCA Animal Poison Control Center, managed 2,690 cases of accidental xylitol ingestion. This was a nearly 40 percent increase in the number of cases involving xylitol-containing products from 2006, and 30 times as many cases from 2004, when the center managed less than 100 incidents of xylitol ingestion.

"One explanation as to the increase in the number of pets accidentally exposed to xylitol may simply be an increase in availability," Mindy Bough, vice president of the ASPCA Animal Poison Control Center, states in a media release. "Xylitol seems to be becoming more popular in food products because it is a useful sugar substitute for diabetics and has been shown to decrease the development of cavities in humans."

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According to the ASPCA, other artificial sweeteners made for human consumption can also make pets ill. Sweeteners such as sucralose (Splenda), aspartame (NutraSweet) and saccharin (Sweet N' Low) can cause gastrointestinal upset if eaten in significant quantities, so it is still a good idea to refrain from offering pets foods contained these sweeteners. 


The Ruff Report is a column that appears on, a blog written by Joseph A. Reppucci, a retired editor from The Patriot Ledger in Quincy, Massachusetts. Mr. Reppucci worked as a reporter and editor on major daily newspapers in the Boston area for more than 30 years. He is the author of the book, The Hunt of Her Life, a heartwarming story about his once-in-a-lifetime rescue dog. Find it on


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