Dogs and cats have their own, unique forms of communication so the most effective method to prevent them from fighting is to help them learn each others' language, a leading researcher says.
And the best way a pet parent can help them communicate with each other is to introduce them when they are young, according to Joseph Terkel, a professor in Tel Aviv University's department of zoology.
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THE HUNT OF HER LIFE, is a nonfiction book
about Samantha, an unwanted rescue dog who the author adopts at age 2.
This beautifully designed full-color deluxe book, by longtime newspaper journalist Joseph A. Reppucci, contains more than 60
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A book about a rescue dog
that will touch your heart
that will touch your heart

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When introduced at a young age, the cats and dogs evolve beyond their own instincts, learn to talk each other's language and read each other's body language, a study done by Mr. Terkel found.
"It was a surprise that cats can learn how to talk 'dog' and vice-versa," Mr. Terkel states in a media release.
The report, recently published in the journal Applied Animal Behaviour Science concludes, that the probability is high that a cat and dog will get along if a family adopts a kitten first and then introduces a dog when both are still young - less than 6 months old for kittens and 1 year for dogs.
"This is the first time anyone has done scientific research on pets living in the same home," Mr. Terkel said. "It's especially relevant to the one-third of Americans who own a pet and are thinking about adopting a second one of the opposite species."
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Dogs always mouth off before they bite
Dogs feel no guilt about misbehaving
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Dogs always mouth off before they bite
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This injury risk to dogs just keeps booming
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The researchers interviewed almost 200 pet owners who own both a cat and a dog, studied videotapes and analyzed the animals' behavior. Most of the pets co-existed well, but in some instances - 10 percent - they did get into spats and fights.
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So easy to read. You choose the topic!
Adoption | Food | Health | Rescue
Safety and Behavior | Surveys and Studies