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The Ruff Report: Pet poisons bloom everywhere in the springtime

Those fragrant flowers, budding shrubs and lush green grass in the yard look bright and pretty, but they also have a dark, ugly side - they may be sickening, or even killing, your pet.

Springtime is an especially dangerous season for curious dogs and cats who unknowingly nose around in plants that are poisonous if ingested and the fertilizers used to help them grow, so pet parents must take precautions, animal welfare advocates warn.

The Ruff Report: Stop ticks from dogging - or even killing - your pet

Besides sprouting flowers and mild temperatures, spring also ushers in ticks that carry Lyme disease, and pet parents are being reminded about the importance of taking precautions to keep their dogs and cats safe from the potentially killer bacterial infection.

The American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals is urging pet parents to take actions now to prevent their companions from being bitten by the insects and infected by Lyme.

The Hunt of Her Life: A book series about a rescue dog that will touch your heart Hunt of Her Life Original Book ($29.99) is a nonfiction book about Samantha, an unwanted rescue dog who the author adopts at age 2. This beautifully designed full-color deluxe book, by longtime newspaper journalist Joseph A. Reppucci, contains more than 60 vibrant color photos of dogs to help illustrate the compelling and uplifting of Samantha - a pretty tricolor bird dog who uses her warm personality to win people over and build a new family after being put up for adoption by a hunter because she is gun-shy and afraid to hunt. Learn how she uses her special bonding abilities with people to help her eventually make a difficult, but successful, transition to family life.

Living Well with Your Dog: A series of short stories

Want a better life with your dog?'s Living Well With Your Dog, a series of short stories for pet owners, is loaded with common-sense ideas to help make  life more fun, enjoyable and healthy for you and your dog. Find great tips about subjects such as: creating a comfortable lifestyle for you and your dog; making your home and environment safe; improving your pet's health and nutrition; choosing a pet sitter and veterinarian; and saving money on dog food, pet products, prescription drugs and pet insurance.

The Ruff Report: An all-natural substance that makes pets sick

This substance is non-toxic, smells nice and is even all natural, yet it can make your dog miserable and sometimes extremely ill. Virtually invisible, it hovers everywhere in the air during spring, summer and early autumn, and your dog could end up in a veterinary hospital if you fail to recognize its symptoms.

This seemingly harmless material is best known as pollen, and, like people, many dogs can have severe allergic reactions to it, animal welfare experts warn.

The Ruff Report: Here's a better way to feed your pet

You want to keep your pet healthy and free of stomach problems, so you feed your dog or cat a premium, natural, organic, fresh food or perhaps a prescription diet. But, your focus on the pet food itself may be misplaced since 40 percent of dogs and cats can still suffer from gastrointestinal problems such as stomach upset, vomiting and diarrhea regardless of the food they eat, according to a survey.

So an important consideration when feeding your dog or cat must include monitoring your pet's eating habits and lifestyle, a leading a veterinary nutritionist says.

Book sets signed by the author available here!

THE HUNT HER LIFE BOOK SERIES: Order your set signed by author Joseph A. Reppucci! The Original will touch your heart and the Sequel will lift your soul. *The Hunt of Her Life signed book series sets are only available to U.S. customers.

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*The Hunt of Her Life signed book series sets are only available to U.S. customers.

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THE HUNT HER LIFE BOOK SET (unsigned) is offered for a limited time each year at a special holiday discount rate of 25% off. The discount applies to orders received from November 1 through December 24.

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